
Shop now and pay later with zipPay

Temple & Grace has teamed up with zipPay to let you buy now and pay later for the items you love online.

zipPay is a safe, simple & convenient payment option (powered by zipMoney) allowing you to make sure you never miss a style today & give you flexibility to pay over time for your purchases.

Key features and benefits:

> Shop without a credit card

> Flexible repayments - pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly

> Reusable shopping account

> Easy sign up via Facebook or PayPal

> Always interest free

How zipPay works


> Select zipPay at checkout: Create your account in seconds and confirm purchase

> Order is processed as normal: Your order will be shipped out - no waiting!

> Log into your zipPay account to set up repayments:Full flexibility to suit your lifestyle

Learn about how you can buy now and pay later with zipPay

To create your zipPay account, simply choose zipPay at checkout or get pre-approved now or sign up in-store.

All you need is a social media account (we won’t post to your account) and to confirm the details that you would normally enter when shopping online.

Subject to approval, this process takes only seconds after which you can complete your purchase & pay as it suits you!

Once you’re approved for your zipPay shopping account, you can continue to reuse it as much as you like.

Who can create a zipPay account?

Anyone who is over 18 years of age and an Australian citizen may be eligible for a zipPay account.

What account limits are available with zipPay?

When a customer applies for an account they are allocated a limit up to $1,000. Account limits available to customers are $250, $500 or $1,000. The customer’s limit is automatically assigned at account creation and determined by our risk and credit lending policy.

What is the minimum repayment required each month?

The minimum payment required each month is $40 (or balance outstanding, if less than $40), however you can set your repayments higher if you wish to pay the purchase off quicker.

How do I make my repayments?

To ensure you never miss a payment you can setup a direct debit to automatically make your repayments. You can set this to run for as much as you like and as often as you like (as long as you pay at least the minimum of $40/mth, or balance outstanding)

Additionally, you can make a one-off payment anytime by logging into your zipPay Digital Wallet and selecting 'Make a Payment'. Payments can be paid online by debit card, credit card or Bpay.

When is my payment due & what costs are involved.

We will send you a statement at the start of each month outlining any transactions made & balance owing. You will have until the end of the next month to pay off your purchases in full with no fees*. No interest will be charged.

*$6 service fee may apply if purchases not paid in full by scheduled due date.

Once you have repaid your balance down to $0, the account will simply remain open waiting for you to use again to make additional purchases with no fees.

What if my account limit does not cover the cost of the purchase?

You will be prompted to make a co-payment before completing the purchase. The co-payment can be made using either a debit or credit card at the time of purchase. In-store, you can do a split payment.

Can I get an account limit increase?

Yes. All customers are eligible for a limit increase after three months of activity on the account, up to a maximum of $1,000. A good repayment history would be beneficial to a limit increase assessment.

Are there any additional fees charged for using a zipPay account?

A monthly service fee of $6.00 applies.

This fee is waived if the balance is paid by the due date.

No balance no fees.


Call 1300 ZIPPAY (1300 947 729)

Email: customercare@zipmoney.com.au

For more information visit: https://www.zippay.com.au

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