
Yellow Diamond Wedding Rings

View a timeless collection of yellow diamond rings at our Australian jewellery boutiques. Available for both, men and women, Temple & Grace yellow diamond gold rings are unique and brilliantly handcrafted to exude subtle class.

Being diamond wholesalers and bespoke jewellery-makers, we have Australia's No.1 range of natural loose yellow diamonds as well as yellow lab grown diamonds. All the diamonds that go into the making of our jewellery, are carefully handpicked to ensure the highest levels of sparkle and shine. We're the only Australian jewellers that show you the Karat weight of the jewellery when you're here to collect your jewellery piece.

Shop online or visit Temple & Grace jewellers in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide CBD. We have Australia's best collection of yellow diamond rings and being jewellery-makers ourselves, our prices are 40% lower than traditional high-street retailers.

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