
September Birthstone: Sapphire

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The September birthstone, sapphire, is renowned for its stunning blue hue, representing wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. As one of the "Big Three" gemstones, sapphire is treasured worldwide, making it a timeless choice for birthstone jewellery. While blue sapphires are the most popular, they come in a variety of colours, including pink, yellow, green, and even colourless, known as "fancy sapphires."

At Temple & Grace, every sapphire gemstone that is used in the making of our jewellery is carefully handpicked to ensure its brilliance. Being 5 star rated jewellery-makers, we're also known to make custom sapphire rings, sapphire earrings, sapphire studs, sapphire pendants and more.

Sapphire is exceptionally durable, ranking 9 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it suitable for daily wear in rings, earrings, and necklaces. This resilience adds to its popularity for sapphire engagement rings, especially in styles like halo settings, three-stone rings, and vintage-inspired designs. Oval, round, and cushion cuts are top choices for showcasing sapphire's brilliance and colour depth.

Ethically sourced sapphires are increasingly in demand, aligning with the growing interest in sustainable and conflict-free gemstones in Australia and worldwide. Whether set in gold or platinum, sapphire birthstone jewelry makes a meaningful gift for those born in September or anyone who appreciates this royal gem's elegance and symbolic value. Shop online or visit one of our gemstone jewellery boutiques to select from the most unique Sapphire jewellery Australia-wide.

Shop directly from us, jewellery-makers and save over 40% when compared to high-street retailers.

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