
July Birthstone: Ruby

Visit Australia's No.1 Ruby jewellery makers!
Shop directly and save over 40% compared to retail.
Visit us in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth & Adelaide to view the best natural rubies Australia has experienced.

July's birthstone, the ruby, is celebrated for its rich red hue and significance in fine jewellery in Australia. Known as the "king of gemstones," ruby symbolises passion, love, and prosperity, making it a meaningful choice for those born in July or anyone seeking a piece with depth and elegance.

At Temple & Grace gemstone jewellers, we offer a stunning range of July birthstone ruby jewellery, from classic ruby rings, and ruby pendants to contemporary ruby-studded bracelets and ruby earrings. Rubies rank high on the Mohs hardness scale, making them durable enough for everyday wear, a feature that enhances their appeal in rings and bracelets. When selecting ruby jewellery, look for stones with a vivid red colour, ideally without inclusions, as these are considered the most valuable and striking.

Being local Australian diamond and gemstone jewellery-makers, means that we're able to provide incredible value on jewellery. Ruby Jewellery enthusiasts in Australia appreciate rubies not only for their beauty but also for the range of ethical sourcing options available. Here, we prioritise conflict-free and ethically sourced stones, aligning with Australia's growing demand for sustainable luxury.

Whether you're looking for a birthstone piece to celebrate a July birthday or an elegant gift, ruby jewellery in Australia from Temple & Grace offers timeless beauty and symbolic charm. Shop a variety of July ruby jewellery options online or visit one of our stores today to find the perfect piece that resonates with your style and values.

Adding a radiant ruby to your collection enhances any jewellery ensemble, embodying both sophistication and lasting value.

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